Entries by Allison

Join Us Tonight with Oprah

Join Peace Alliance President Bob Baskin tonight as we converse with Oprah and a worldwide network about the link between her upcoming series “Belief” and the power of peacebuilding. 5:30pmPST/8:30pmEST 7/7/15

Fall Internship Position Opening

The Peace Alliance is in need of multiple interns to join our fast-paced team for the coming Spring semester. We are seeking individuals with energy and discipline who have a background or interest in peacebuilding, legislative advocacy, student organizing, restorative justice, conflict resolution, juvenile justice, and/or youth violence prevention. This position presents the opportunity to impact multiple projects with our team members, fostering communication and professional development skills. We are looking for students who may be available 9:30-5:30 for several days of the week.

Support SB 71 & Restorative Justice in Massachusetts

MA Restorative Justice Hearing Tomorrow: Tuesday, June 16th 1-4pm (Room 437 at Statehouse)
The people of Massachusetts have an important opportunity on Tuesday, June 16th to further support of one of the world’s most powerful peacebuilding tools: Restorative Justice (RJ). Senate Bill 71: An Act Promoting Restorative Practices would support RJ practices in the state. A hearing is scheduled with the Joint Committee on Children Families and Persons with Disabilities. Our champion sponsor, Sen. Jamie Eldridge, and many other officials and community leaders have seen the impact of RJ first-hand.

Restorative justice addresses crime and harm as an issue involving families, communities, and relationships. By meeting the needs of those affected, it nips criminal activity in the bud more effectively than incarceration, and can provide meaningful healing for all involved.

CA Peace Alliance Builds Bridges for Peace with the CA Democrats-Report from Nancy Merritt

The CA Peace Alliance continued building bridges for peace at the CA Democratic Party (CDP) Executive Board meeting in San Diego in November. Three times each year, CDP elected officials and grassroots party activists meet to set policy for the Party. During the weekend meeting, the CA TPA focused on expanding support for our peacebuilding initiatives – including the U.S. Department of Peacebuilding Act (DoP), the Youth PROMISE Act (YPA), restorative justice, restorative practices and Proposition 47 reforms.

The Seven Initiations of A Great Peacemaker: Audio

Our Executive Vice President Matthew Albracht is a faculty member of The Peace Ambassador Training, an easy-to-access online certification program that provides you direct interaction with some of our world’s strongest and most influential voices in the field of peacebuilding and beyond.

In addition, Course Creator James O’Dea is also an Adviser of The Peace Alliance.

During the 16 Sessions you receive, share, and test tools along with faculty that represent the areas that make up full-fledged peace activism: including Justice, Communication, Inner Activism, and more. If you sign up for the PAT, 20% of proceeds will come to us–a great way for you to participate while also supporting the efforts of The Peace Alliance.

Live Telecouncil with Charles Eisenstein: Tues., Jan. 13th

We are pleased to announce that our dialogue series (both on Pacifica affiliate radio and telecast as of August 2014) Restorative Justice on The Rise will host Charles Eisenstein for a lively virtual forum on justice–specifically restorative justice–and his thoughts on the current transformation we are experiencing. We have a huge amount of respect for Charles and his globally-appreciated work that is catalyzing positive change and solutions-building, and encourage you to get involved by signing up now, and also submitting your questions which will be considered for the live conversation.