Tell the President and Congress to Protect Peacebuilders from Being Targeted by Counter-Terrorism Laws

Some aspects of U.S. counter-terrorism laws have had the unintended consequence of discouraging, delaying and obstructing life-saving peacebuilding and humanitarian assistance to men, women and children in great need who have the misfortune of living in areas where terrorist groups operate. It also limits the capacity to demobilize armed fighters. The Humanitarian Access Facilitation Act (H.R. 3526) was recently introduced to rectify the situation.

The Political Rise of Restorative Justice

The Peace Alliance's Restorative Justice Fellow, Molly Rowan Leach, has co-authored a new Huffington Post article with Dr. Sandra Pavelka, a national strategist, writer, and a professor whose published works include a recent and definitive report on the political climate of "RJ" in the U.S. The modern day movement of restorative justice continues to evolve at state and community levels. Jurisdictions have responded to juvenile justice system discontent with revisions to legislative and policy agendas.
On the road

Exciting Peace Alliance Events Coming to the Midwest

Ohio, Illinois, Indiana and Chicago: Are you feeling thirsty to use the power of relationships and communication to promote practical tools for peace on Earth? We are creating political will for peacebuilding breakthroughs, and we want all of you to join us as champions for this change. National Field Director Dan Kahn and Student Peace Alliance Coordinator Sally Kaplan are coming to Midwest Heartland hotspots in the beginning of April --- sharing solidarity, news of challenges and victories, and strategies for effective ways forward.

New Youth PROMISE Act Co-sponsors!

Momentum is really picking up with the Youth PROMISE Act. In the last few weeks, five new co-sponsors have signed on in the U.S. House of Representatives, including 2 Republicans! That brings our total to 105 signed on in the House, 6 of whom are Republican.

The Global Economic Cost of Violence Containment

A new report from the Institute for Economics and Peace (IEP) has just been released on the economic impact of violence containment to the world economy. One of the many harrowing statistics: the 2012 estimated global cost was $9.46 trillion or 11 percent of Gross World Product, which is more than 75 times our foreign aid expenditures. The United States violence costs constitute 10.5% of our GDP. Sadly, these numbers are conservative estimates.

Shift Happens! Peacebuilding Works…

This is a new series, highlighting the challenges we face with violence and innovative peacebuilding solutions that are already making a difference. Shift does indeed happen!