Tell Congress: Support International Violence Against Women Act

The International Violence Against Women Act, H.R. 3571/S. 2307, formalizes the existence of a Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women's Empowerment in USAID and the State Department Office of Global Women's Issues while expanding their role and powers. Under current law, both offices could be eliminated on a whim by an unfriendly President.

Become a Sponsoring Member of The Peace Alliance

By becoming a Sponsoring Member of The Peace Alliance, you are upping your commitment to building a world where peace, and the policies and work of peacebuilding are national and global priorities. From current crises in Irag, Syria and many other global hotspots, to the serious struggles of violence faced in our own communities here at home, we must focus more heavily on solutions that will pivot us towards approaches that actually bring healing and restoration. We need your help to do it.

The Big Picture: Why Lobbying for Legislation to Create a Department of Peacebuilding Matters

House bill HR 808 to create a federal Department of Peacebuilding (DoP) is comprehensive, cost-effective, evidence-based and transformative legislation designed to build a culture of peace by reducing violence at all levels of society. It prescribes developing various strata of peacebuilding structure proven conducive to the nonviolent resolution of conflict. The “peace” humanity has forever craved may be possible at long last if nonviolence becomes an overarching operational organizing societal principle (what DoP is all about).

Summer of PROMISE!

Friends, this Summer is a very important one for the Youth PROMISE Act. Momentum has been building in Congress. Our goal over the Summer is to get thousands of phone calls to Senators and Members of the House of Representatives to pass the bill. We need YOU to help reach that goal! We are asking you to commit to calling all three of your federally-elected Congressmembers, and to commit to enrolling at least three others to do the same.

Summer of PROMISE!

Friends, this Summer is a very important one for the Youth PROMISE Act (Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support and Education). Momentum has been building in Congress, the Congressional Session ends in December, and we really need to get the bill passed before October -- when Congress will be in election recess. Our goal over the Summer is to get thousands of phone calls to Senators and Members of the House of Representatives.