Summer of PROMISE!
Youth PROMISE Act Congressional Call-in Campaign
Let’s make it happen!

Join our Monthly Action Call June 14th, 1pm ET, 10am PT w/ special guest Rashage Green, Legislative Counsel to Rep. Bobby Scott and the lead House staff supporting the Youth PROMISE Act. We will hear updates about the bill, have Q&A time, and discuss our Summer of PROMISE action. Join us!
Friends, this Summer is a very important one for the Youth PROMISE Act (Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support and Education). Momentum has been building in Congress, the Congressional Session ends in December, and we really need to get the bill passed before October — when Congress will be in election recess.
Our goal over the Summer is to generate thousands of phone calls to Senators and Members of the House of Representatives. We need YOU to help reach this goal! We are asking you to commit to calling all three of your federally-elected Congressmembers, and to commit to enrolling at least three others to do the same. Friends, family, co-workers, neighbors, anyone you can recruit. Lets spread the good news about this bill and get it passed into law!
We have a printable flyer with a simple script you can give to friends. Add your Senators and Reps. names on the back. It shouldn’t take more than two minutes to make each call. Most Congressional offices now have voice-mail for after hours as well.
Sign up to let us know you plan to join us:
► Sign Up Here
You can also be creative: table at Farmer’s markets or music festivals, set up a Facebook page and post pictures of people calling their Congressmembers, bring the flyer to your church or synagogue — spread the empowerment and use your imagination!
Find all your U.S. Congressmembers and their phone numbers here (call DC offices) or you can call the Capitol Switchboard at: (202) 224-3121
- My name is _____________. I am a constituent calling today to urge the Senator/Congressperson to co-sponsor the Youth PROMISE Act, S. 1307 (Senate) or H.R. 1318 (House) if they have not already.
- The Youth PROMISE Act prevents youth violence and crime and puts at-risk youth on paths towards education and careers.
- I would like her/hiim to fully support to the passage of this important bill.
- Mention SPONSORS:
SENATORS: It’s sponsored by Sen. Mary Landrieu and James Inhofe.
HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES: It’s sponsored by Rep. Bobby Scott and Rep. Walter Jones.
More about Youth PROMISE Act:
The Youth PROMISE Act (Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support and Education) is bipartisan legislation (H.R. 1318 & S. 1307). The act will fund, implement, and evaluate an arragy of evidence-based, locally controlled youth and gang violence prevention and intervention practices.
The bill’s passage would create unprcendented investments in proven community-based violence prevention and intervention practices, such as mentoring, after-school programs and other innovative diversion strategies such as: gang violence prevention, teachers doing conflict resolution and bullying cessation education in schools, restorative justice practices and many others.
The bill:
- funds evidence-based violence prevention and intervention practices,
- empowers loval control and community oversight,
- reduces crime and saves taxpayer money, and
- creates accountability by linking funding to measureable success.
Join our Monthly Action Call
Sign up link:
June 14th, 1pm ET, 10am PT
Special Guest Rashage Green, Legislative Counsel to Rep. Bobby Scott and the lead House staff supporting the Youth PROMISE Act. We will hear updates about the bill, have Q&A time, and discuss our Summer of PROMISE action. Join us!
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