Letters to DC: San Diego Community Implores Legislators to Make Peace a National Priority
Leading up to the Department of Peacebuilding Campaign’s Advocacy Days in Washington, DC, San Diego students and community leaders, and a student from Los Angeles wrote heartfelt letters to members of Congress imploring them to prioritize peace and establish a cabinet-level Department of Peacebuilding (DoP) now. We delivered those messages to over one hundred Representatives and Senators in October.

CA Dem. Party Endorses DoP 2017 Act
The California Democratic Party (CDP) endorsed the Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2017 (HR 1111) and adopted the CA Department of Peacebuilding’s “Resolution to Budget for Peacebuilding for People and the Environment” as we took our message of peace and compassion to the CDP statewide Executive Board meeting in Anaheim from 8/25 – 8/27/17, where the CDP also celebrated the 97th anniversary of women securing the right to vote.

Registration open for DC Lobby Days 2017. Tell Congress to make peacebuilding a priority!
Lobby Days 2017: A Washington D.C. experience focused on lobbying for H. R. 1111, the Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2017. Please gather your family, friends and neighbors and join us as a significant citizen peacebuilding and nonviolence presence in DC this year.

Call Previous Dept. of Peacebuilding Co-sponsors
Please call (or as many as you can) former DoP cosponsors who…

Tell Congress: Fund International Peacebuilding
Right now, Committees in the House and Senate are drafting the State Department and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bills, and this year, because of how Congress has scheduled votes, there will be virtually no opportunities for amendments. That means that we have to act right now to make sure important Peacebuilding programs will be fully funded in 2015. Your voice matters.

9th Annual Mother’s Day “Peace Wants a Piece of the Pie” Campaign
Join people across the country this May 10th and visit your local Congressional offices with Mother's Day pies and a message that Peace, and in particular the work of peacebuilding, wants a more prominent seat at the table of power.