President Signs Violence Against Women Act into Law!
On March 7th, President Obama signed the Violence Against Women Act into law once again! It was a long road this past year, as it was allowed to lapse for the first time in it's 18 year history. But now the important work it does is once again in motion, and it’s even stronger than before. Many thanks to the thousands of you who contacted your Members of Congress to urge their support!

U.S. Department of Peacebuilding: Legislation introduced, contact Congress!
Tell your Members of the House of Representatives & Senate that you want them to sign on as a co-sponsor of recently reintroduced legislation to establish a U.S. Dept. of Peacebuilding (H.R. 808). Let make peace a national priority!

Open letter to Vice President Biden: Utilize the Youth PROMISE Act’s preventative and restorative intervention methods in gun violence reduction policy
We sent an open letter to Vice President Biden asking him to include violence prevention and the Youth PROMISE Act in his recommendations in his gun violence reduction policy. Sign White House petition!

Peacebuilding Structures Growing in Federal Government
Over the last two years support has grown in Washington to prioritize peacebuilding and to re-organize the Foreign Affairs bureaucracy to elevate the prominence of peacebuilding within our government. Read an overview of some of the exciting developments.