Entries by Matthew

DC Mindfully

On Sept. 18th, join Sylvia Boorstein, Tara Brach and Congressman Tim Ryan, three renowned voices for achieving peace through mindfulness, in celebration of the Peace Alliance’s 10th anniversary and the UN declared International Day of Peace (Sept. 21st). Exploring the questions: what is mindful activism? How do we stop the violence in our homes, our schools, our neighborhoods our nation and our world? Please join us as we explore and recommit to building peace.

National Action Call – Saturday, August 9th

This Saturday, August 9th at 1:00 pm ET and 10:00 am PT, is our big national Peace Action call. Special guest will be Carol Chodroff. Carol was the original lead drafter of the Youth PROMISE Act for Congressman Bobby Scott, and she is the one who came up with the bill’s name (Youth Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education). She was the lead attorney for the bill in the U.S. House of Representatives from 2009 – 2012, and she helped secure 235 bipartisan co-sponsors in the House, and 16 bipartisan co-sponsors in the Senate in the 111th Congress. Join us for an inspiring conversation!

Call Congress: Youth PROMISE Act & US Dept. of Peacebuilding

As part of our Lobby Days DC, Peace Alliance grassroots supporters from around the country are visiting our nation’s Capitol over the next two days. They are advocating to their elected officials to support the Youth PROMISE Act, a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding and peacebuilding in general.

Tell Congress: Support International Violence Against Women Act

The International Violence Against Women Act, H.R. 3571/S. 2307, formalizes the existence of a Senior Coordinator for Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in USAID and the State Department Office of Global Women’s Issues while expanding their role and powers. Under current law, both offices could be eliminated on a whim by an unfriendly President.

We Need YOU at Lobby Days in DC July 21-22nd!

This will be an inspiring and celebratory time of connection with other like-minded peace advocates where you will have the opportunity to learn, share experiences, and inform your federal representatives on two of the most important peacebuilding bills since our country was founded, namely The Youth Promise Act and the creation of cabinet-level Department of Peacebuilding.