Entries by Matthew

2014 Annual Report

Read our 2014 Annual Report, highlighting our accomplishments. It’s thanks to so many of you, that we are able to achieve what we have been able to.

Fundraising Basics: A Step-by-Step Guide

Take a stand: all fundraising takes a deep level of commitment. It can be exhilarating, fulfilling challenging, and discouraging. Take a stand to fundraise, prepare and train yourself so you can succeed not only at raising money, but doing it in a way that reflects your values and relationships. To do that you must prepare yourself.

Restorative Justice on the Rise!

Restorative justice encompasses a growing social movement to institutionalize peaceful approaches to harm, problem solving and violations of legal and human rights. The Peace Alliance recognizes the exponentially growing movement of Restorative Justice to be one of the key systemic transformations occurring right now in the United States. It is a powerful on-the-ground response to the many issues our country faces pertaining to justice.

Petition Action: Humanizing Our Criminal Justice System

During his State of the Union Address, President Obama powerfully called for reform of our nation’s criminal justice system as an important priority over the coming years. Please join us today to help him jump start this effort. Sign our quick petition to Members of Congress urging them to support smart peacebuilding approaches in our communities around the nation.