Entries by Matthew

Petition to President and Congress: Terrorist attacks increase 10-fold, time for Peacebuilding over last decade

20,000 people were killed in terrorist attacks in 2014, up from an average of 2,000 a year only 10 years ago. This despite $trillions spent and countless lives lost in the “war on terror.” It seems clear that our strategies for dealing with terrorism have been grossly ineffective and many say is even counter-productive. Our long-term strategy and resources must focus much more on the work of peacebuilding.

US ranks 94th in the 2015 Global Peace Index

ranked alongside 162 nations worldwide the United States recently came in 94th for peacefulness at the recent unveiling of the 2015 Global Peace Index. Not surprisingly, Iceland ranked at number one and Syria came in last at 162.

Tell Congress: Diplomacy with Iran

Please let your Members of Congress know that you support diplomacy with Iran. Right now, there are a large number of Members of Congress who want to kill the deal, which would likely send us on a path to war.

Mainstreaming Peacebuilding at the 2015 CA Democratic Party Convention

The CA Peace Alliance Democratic Party endorsement team and volunteers from throughout the state “mainstreamed peacebuilding” at the CA Democratic Party convention this May. Whether working at our booth, testifying at the Resolutions committee, messaging at the caucus meeting, or talking with convention attendees, we worked to place peacebuilding front and center. During the convention, the Resolutions committee approved their UN Peacebuilding resolution and the Party as a whole will likely endorse it in August 2015. Read the full report!

The Surrender Experiment by Michael A. Singer

In THE SURRENDER EXPERIMENT: My Journey into Life’s Perfection, Singer tells his extraordinary story of what happened when after a deep spiritual awakening in his twenties, he decided to no longer let his personal fears and desires dictate his life but to simply surrender to what life had in store. This radical decision to follow life’s flow led Singer to both the pinnacle of success and the brink of disaster.

The Surrender Experiement by Michael A. Singer

In THE SURRENDER EXPERIMENT: My Journey into Life’s Perfection, Singer tells his extraordinary story of what happened when after a deep spiritual awakening in his twenties, he decided to no longer let his personal fears and desires dictate his life but to simply surrender to what life had in store. This radical decision to follow life’s flow led Singer to both the pinnacle of success and the brink of disaster.