Tell Congress: Fund International Peacebuilding

Right now, Committees in the House and Senate are drafting the State Department and Foreign Operations Appropriations Bills, and this year, because of how Congress has scheduled votes, there will be virtually no opportunities for amendments. That means that we have to act right now to make sure important Peacebuilding programs will be fully funded in 2015. Your voice matters.

Maya Angelou 1928 – 2014: delete

We are sad to learn of Maya Angelou's recent passing. As her family posted in a statement: "She lived a life as a teacher, activist, artist and human being. She was a warrior for equality, tolerance and peace." Indeed she was, and her many profound words of wisdom and life's actions will continue to teach us. Read a profound poem on peace she read at the United Nation's 50th anniversary in 1995.

Action Alert: SB-2078 – Support Restorative Justice in MA!

The people of Massachusetts have an opportunity right now to help pioneer the development of one of the world’s most powerful peacebuilding tools: restorative justice. Restorative Justice Bill SB-2078 is picking up significant momentum after a huge turnout at a House hearing recently. Sen. Jamie Eldridge introduced his bill and shared his experiences with restorative justice to a standing-room-only crowd, including Bedford's Police Chief Robert Bongiorno, Hon. John Cratsley (ret.), and Middlesex DA Marian Ryan.

Acting to Build Peace: 22 Members of Congress co-sponsor DoP & YPA during Season for Nonviolence

Twenty-two members of Congress signed on as cosponsors of two key Peace Alliance backed bills during the Season for Nonviolence (SNV) 2014, with other possible co-sponsorships pending. A small task force of determined Peace Alliance volunteers made a big difference when it focused on increasing the number of congressional cosponsors of the Department of Peacebuilding Act (HR 808/ DoP) and the Youth PROMISE Act (HR 1318/ YPA).