Entries by Matthew

Be the Movement!

Check our site in the coming weeks for some exciting announcements!  Make sure you are on our email list to […]


Our webstore is being rebuilt and will be down for awhile. If you would like to order any of our […]

Congressman John Lewis is an Inspiration

From the Desk of President Bob Baskin: Earlier this week, I was listening to Jon Stewart’s Daily Show with his guest U.S. Rep. John Lewis. It was on the eve of the 50th Anniversary of Bloody Sunday at the Edmund Pettus Bridge in Selma Alabama and the 1965 Civil Rights March to Montgomery. Mr. Lewis was asked by Jon Stewart to explain his feelings on that terrible, but landmark day…

National Monthly Peace Action Call Saturday, March 14th

We are pleased to be joined on this month’s Peace Action Call by Heart Phoenix and Jeffrey Wesiberg of the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding (RPCP). RPCP takes a coordinated and strategic approach within a community as well as with local and state agencies in addressing violence. Join us for a dynamic conversation.