Entries by Matthew

Biggest Industry in U.S. Economy? The Violence Containment Industry

Research shows that in 2010, the Violence Containment Industry accounted for $2.16 trillion, or around 15 percent of U.S. GDP. AND YET, we spend a tiny fraction of that on peacebuilding work, which in comparison, is often proven to be cost effective, saves lives and builds real community resilience. Sign our petition today, telling Congress and the President that it’s time to invest in key Peacebuilding Cornerstones.

Tell Congress: Invest in Youth Justice and Safe Communities

Friends, the House Commerce-Justice-Science Appropriations Subcommittee is scheduled to mark-up its version of the FY16 CJS Appropriations bill this Thursday. Congress must approve federal spending for discretionary programs—including juvenile justice funding for state programs that keep families and communities safer, help young people get themselves back on track, and save money in the long run.

Sign Petition to Congress & President: Peacebuilding Cornerstones should be the National Priority!

We live in a world that faces constant and often debilitating conflict and violence. Growing breakthroughs within five key Peacebuilding Cornerstones offer great hope, demonstrate proven effectiveness and are ready to forge bold and comprehensive national policies. As a signer of this platform, you will join in persuading the President and Congress to support transformative national policies that empower cost-effective and life-affirming conflict resolution and peacebuilding.

History of Mother’s Day as a Day of Peace: Julia Ward Howe

In the 1800’s, Julia Ward Howe, original advocate for “Mother’s Day” and writer of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” nursed and tended the wounded during the civil war. She worked with the widows and orphans of soldiers on both sides of the war, and realized that the effects of the war go beyond the killing of soldiers in battle.