Now Is the Time to Contribute

Dear Supporter,

Since our inception 15 years ago, it has been our commitment to work with you and our national network to bring Peacebuilding to the forefront.

Your participation and financial support have been a critical element in that success.

Right now, our partnership with you is needed more than ever. The Peace Alliance is urgently asking for your financial support TODAY.

Will you donate $7 today to allow us to continue our critical peace work? Our vibrant Democracy depends on it!

Donate $7 today!

Our Successes:

PhotoJust over a year ago, we mounted a new virtual organizational structure with our National Leadership Council. This talented and generous group of people have dedicated hours of their time monthly for a very small stipend, educating and expanding in their area of expertise including the Five Cornerstones of Peace, the US Department of Peacebuilding, and Legislative Priorities. They have done so by using Social Media, Field Engagement, Executive Support, and Digital Marketing.

With our Leadership Council, we…

  • Train extensively on effective advocacy protocols
  • Recently launched a new website – serving as a national resource on Peacebuilding
  • Offer Facebook Groups for our Five Cornerstones of Peacebuilding
  • Produce a quarterly newsletter advancing nonviolence solutions
  • Present at Peace-related conferences around the country, and internationally
  • Provide a quarterly conference call for Community Peacebuilders around the world
  • Enrich hundreds on our National Monthly calls with speakers from each of our Lead areas

Donate $7 today, $1 for each Success listed above 🙂

As a lean and efficient nonprofit, we are the best financial investment in peace you can make! Your dollars can reach out and help secure a new horizon.

We are actively engaged in seeking grants, reaching out to former donors, and networking with others. In this current political environment non-profits are challenged, everyone’s funds are stretched. Our Board is addressing this situation NOW by contacting you today.

Consider donating $7 monthly to amplify your voice!

Your contributions allow us to ensure our efforts toward a peaceful, just, democratic future.

Please make a contribution today, and make an investment for peace!

Please donate $7 today

With appreciation and gratitude, 

Terry Mason
On behalf of the Board of Directors and Leadership Council
The Peace Alliance

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