Registration open for DC Lobby Days 2017. Tell Congress to make peacebuilding a priority!

Lobby Days 2017: A Washington D.C. experience focused on lobbying for H. R. 1111, the Department of Peacebuilding Act of 2017. Please gather your family, friends and neighbors and join us as a significant citizen peacebuilding and nonviolence presence in DC this year.

Peacebuilding and Pie Go Together

During an extended 2017 Mother’s Day celebration, we advocated for a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding (HR 1111) and other peacebuilding initiatives with legislators throughout the country with Mother’s Day “Peace wants a piece of the federal budget pie” meetings, letters and pie drop-offs with members of Congress and Senators in at least CA, GA, IL, MA, ME and OH. 

Oakland Gets a Dept. of Violence Prevention

The City of Oakland did a good thing on June 20, 2017. It created a Department of Violence Prevention (DVP), with a Chief of Violence Prevention reporting directly to the city administration and a mandate to work directly with victims of violent crime -- and those who are most likely to be future victims or perpetrators of violent crime – by pursuing a public health approach to dramatically reduce violent crime and end the cycle of trauma in impacted communities.

Peace Wants a Piece of the Pie. Schedule a Pie Meeting with Your MOC.

Make this Mother’s Day a call for our nation to prioritize peacebuilding by establishing a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding and by practicing peace in our personal lives, the community, schools, a more humane justice system and internationally.

Petition! Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017

Please call and write your Members of Congress and request they sign on to critical legislation ensuring that no president can unilaterally launch a nuclear war. HR 669/S200, the Restricting First Use of Nuclear Weapons Act of 2017. As president of the United States, Donald Trump currently has supreme authority to preemptively launch a nuclear strike. NO president should have the exclusive power to end all life.

Time to ‘See with Your Heart’: Election Post Mortem – CA DoP & Kids for Peace at State Democratic Party Meeting

In the aftershock of the 2016 presidential election, the CA Democratic Party (CDP) held its pre-scheduled Executive Board (E-Board) meeting where Democratic Party officials and grassroots activists came together to assess who the Party is and wants to be. The CA Peace Alliance/ Campaign for a US Department of Peacebuilding (DoP/ HR 1111), together with the San Diego Kids for Peace, was there as voice for peace and peacebuilding, which were rarely mentioned in the 2016 elections.