Entries by Matthew

Peace Alliance Conference Testimonials

“Attending a Peace Alliance conference is one of the most wonderful and magical experiences one can have. To be in a space filled with hundreds of like-minded people working towards a non-violence and peaceful world is truly nourishing for the soul… It is very exciting to learn from highly esteemed speakers, trainers and leaders, then go to the capitol to educate our legislators on our legislative priorities is a truly rewarding experience that is a lifelong highlight.” ~ Jerliyn Stapleton, LA area, California

Petition: Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act Vote Soon

Friends, the Senate Judiciary Committee is holding a hearing soon to mark up and vote on the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act, S. 1169. The JJDPA is the core of nearly everything the federal government does in Juvenile Justice, but it’s past due for re-authorization. It will require states to keep youth separated from adults prior to trial as well as in prison, strengthen rules on disproportionate minority contact, invest in alternatives to incarceration, and removes an exception that allowed states to put status offenders in prison.

Congressional Petition: SAFE Justice Act!

There is a remarkable political momentum happening across our nation right now to reform our criminal justice system. Thankfully, the momentum is coming from both sides of the aisle. Humanizing our Justice Systems is a core priority at The Peace Alliance as well, and we are glad to share that there is a sweeping new bill before Congress right now called the SAFE Justice Act.

The Safe, Accountable, Fair, and Effective (SAFE) Justice Act

Since 1980, Congress has steadily increased the size and scope of the federal criminal code and with it the federal prison population. In that period, the federal government has added an estimated 2,000 new crimes to the books, while the federal imprisonment rate has grown by an astounding 518 percent. During the same period, annual spending on the federal prison system rose 595 percent, from $970 million to more than $6.7 billion, after adjusting for inflation.

U.S. Dept. of Peacebuilding 14th Anniversary

On July 11, 2001 — exactly two months before 9/11 — Congressman Dennis Kucinich (OH) introduced legislation to create a cabinet-level U.S. Department of Peace, which embodied the knowledge that violence prevention and peacebuilding are cost effective, save lives and improve quality of life, both domestically and internationally. In honor of its anniversary, please ask your Members of Congress and President Obama to support H.R. 1111.