National Peace Conference Calls Archives
To hear any of the Monthly Action Calls from September, 2013 to the present, please click here.
August 27, 2012 – Phil Donahue
A Special Call with Phil Donahue, discussing his film Body of War, and our movie watching party campaign!
August, 2012
Download .mp3
A Special Call on the recent Mass Shootings in CO and WI, looking at why they are happening and what we can do. Special Guest James O’Dea. This was a powerful and deep conversation…
July, 2012
Conversation with Bob Baskin, new head staff at The Peae Alliance.
April, 2012
April 3rd, our guest speaker was Jessie Klein, PHD, MSW, M.Ed. She is an Assistant Professor of Sociology/Criminal Justice at Adelphi University. Over the last two decades she also led and
administered high school guidance programs, served as a school social worker, substance abuse prevention counselor and conflict resolution coordinator. Her writing has appeared in scholarly journals as well as popular media.
According to Jessie,
bullying is a problem that’s only getting worse. In The Bully Society, her excellent examination of the school bullying epidemic, Jessie takes a broad approach to the subject. She first lays out the scope of the problem, before explaining how kids’ changing attitudes towards masculinity, the birth of child-targeted consumerism and the erosion of our compassionate society have all helped to create a culture in which children are increasingly feeling overwhelmed and helpless, and, in some cases, prone to violence. Read a powerful and informative interview with Jessie entitled “Inside the Bully Economy” from
December, 2011
Featuring Laurie Schultz Heim, United States Institute of Peace
Laurie Schultz Heim joined the Institute after more than twenty years in the legislative process on Capitol Hill. Most recently, she served as senior policy adviser to Senator Jim Jeffords (I-Vt.), from 1989 to 2006.
USIP is the independent, nonpartisan conflict management center created by Congress to prevent and mitigate international conflict without resorting to violence. USIP works to save lives, increase the government’s ability to deal with conflicts before they escalate, reduce government costs, and enhance our national security.
Tell Congress and President to fully fund USIP!
October, 2011
Featuring Stephanie L. Mann, Crime and Violence Prevention Consultant (35 years)
- “Alternative to Fear: Guidelines for Safer Neighborhoods” 1975 (Helped launch the National “Neighborhood Watch” program)
- “Safe Homes, Safe Neighborhoods: Stopping Crime Where You Live” (Encyclopedia on how to keep neighborhoods safe)
- “Street Safe Kids: 10 Step Guide to help youth develop self-esteem”
- “The Adopt-A-Block Guidebook: 10 steps to a safe and healthy neighborhood” Safe Kids Now – 2010
- Read more about Stephanie from our Faces of Peace site.
Department of Peace Quarterly Call
September, 2011
Featuring Stephen Dinan
Stephen Dinan is the CEO of The Shift Network which aims to empower a global movement of people who are creating an evolutionary shift of consciousness that in turn leads to a more enlightened society, one built on principles of sustainability, peace, health, and prosperity. The Shift Network is the driving force behind this years Peace Week 2011 Global Telesummit.
August, 2011
Featuring James O’Dea
James is Co- Director of The Social Healing Project and has conducted healing and reconciliation dialogues for the past twelve years. He is currently launching a Social Healing Institute. He is a member of the faculty of the Institute of Noetic Sciences and its past President. He was Executive Director of The Seva Foundation and the Washington Office Director of Amnesty International. He lectures widely and offers ongoing intensive trainings and sacred activist retreats. He is a member of the Advisory Board of The Peace Alliance. His book Creative Stress: A Path For Evolving Souls Living Through Personal and Planetary Upheaval has been called “the medicine for our times.”
Special Dept. of Peace Call with Congressman John Conyers
February, 2011
Lynn McMullen Fundraising call audio.
January, 2011
Special Guest speaker Darlene Batchelder, business and life coach on Creating an Empowering Action Plan. Also a discussion on where the Peace Alliance is headed in coming years. Darlene shared some project planning documents with us which can be downloaded here
December, 2010
The beginning conversation about how we will move forward around the Dept. of Peace legislation. We also have a discussion forum set up on DoPeace.
November, 2010
Our special guest was Rita Marie Johnson, founder of Rasur Foundation and BePeace practice. Rita Marie’s portion starts about a quarter of the way through.
June 5, 2010
Chic Dambach of Alliance for Peacebuilding and Lynn McMullen discusses Summer Fundraising Campaign.
May 4, 2010
Mothers Day Call with two very special guest speakers who shared about the Youth PROMISE Act: Carol N. Chodroff, Counsel, House Judiciary Committee and Christian Haines, Legislative Assistant, Rep. Bobby Scott (VA-03).
April 6, 2010
February 2, 2010
With Lauren Abramson of Community Conferencing
Community Conferencing Mission:
To provide a highly participatory, community-based process for people to transform their conflicts into cooperation, take collective and personal responsibility for action, and improve their quality of life. Through partnerships with people, neighborhoods, governments and institutions, the Community Conferencing Center helps Maryland communities resolve conflicts and crimes within their own communities.
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