Tag Archive for: restorative justice
Live Telecouncil with Charles Eisenstein: Tues., Jan. 13th
We are pleased to announce that our dialogue series (both on Pacifica affiliate radio and telecast as of August 2014) Restorative Justice on The Rise will host Charles Eisenstein for a lively virtual forum on justice--specifically restorative justice--and his thoughts on the current transformation we are experiencing. We have a huge amount of respect for Charles and his globally-appreciated work that is catalyzing positive change and solutions-building, and encourage you to get involved by signing up now, and also submitting your questions which will be considered for the live conversation.
Action Tool: Support SB 2078: An Act Promoting Restorative Justice! (MA)
Join us for another Virtual Town Hall on Restorative Justice! Last year, The Peace Alliance and Restorative Justice on The Rise played a role in supporting a successful passage in Colorado of the Restorative Justice Pilot Project (now law)! Once again, we are working steadfastly to support a similar effort in Massachussetts, with SB-2078: An Act Promoting Restorative Justice Practices.
Action Alert: SB-2078 – Support Restorative Justice in MA!
The people of Massachusetts have an opportunity right now to help pioneer the development of one of the world’s most powerful peacebuilding tools: restorative justice.
Restorative Justice Bill SB-2078 is picking up significant momentum after a huge turnout at a House hearing recently. Sen. Jamie Eldridge introduced his bill and shared his experiences with restorative justice to a standing-room-only crowd, including Bedford's Police Chief Robert Bongiorno, Hon. John Cratsley (ret.), and Middlesex DA Marian Ryan.