Tag Archive for: MA

Action Tool: Support SB 2078: An Act Promoting Restorative Justice! (MA)
Join us for another Virtual Town Hall on Restorative Justice! Last year, The Peace Alliance and Restorative Justice on The Rise played a role in supporting a successful passage in Colorado of the Restorative Justice Pilot Project (now law)! Once again, we are working steadfastly to support a similar effort in Massachussetts, with SB-2078: An Act Promoting Restorative Justice Practices.

Action Alert: SB-2078 – Support Restorative Justice in MA!
The people of Massachusetts have an opportunity right now to help pioneer the development of one of the world’s most powerful peacebuilding tools: restorative justice.
Restorative Justice Bill SB-2078 is picking up significant momentum after a huge turnout at a House hearing recently. Sen. Jamie Eldridge introduced his bill and shared his experiences with restorative justice to a standing-room-only crowd, including Bedford's Police Chief Robert Bongiorno, Hon. John Cratsley (ret.), and Middlesex DA Marian Ryan.