Miki Kashtan’s “Working for Change Without Recreating the Past” Telecourse

Two Parts: Thursday, September 26, and Thursday, October 3
5:30pm Pacific/8:30pm Eastern
, 90 minutes

Audio from Part I

Preparation to read for next call:




This call is for new members of The Peace Alliance.  Become a Member here and we will sign you up!

Miki KashtanMiki has been a powerful and inspiring friend to this organization for years, helping us in our quest to “walk our talk” as we work toward a more peaceful world.

In Miki’s words:  If we want to transform our institutions into organizations based in integrity, meaning, and care for everyone, how we work for change is equally important to what change we want to create. The “how” – maintaining a commitment to nonviolence on the deepest level – will require working for change, even in the face of oppressive structures, without any hatred, as well as creating a world that works even for the former oppressors.

In this mini-series, we begin this journey as we explore:

  • Working with a focus on what we want to create
  • Engaging in dialogue when possible, and understanding nonviolent resistance as being fueled by love
  • Developing and living new models of power and leadership
  • Transforming judgments into ways of engaging across differences with love and respect

And in the words of Martin Luther King, JR.:

“Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.”

I cannot recommend highly enough the value I believe is available through Miki’s coaching, and I hope that many or all of you will join us for two precious sessions of what I trust will be deep, practical, and inspiring learning.

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