Department of Peacebuilding: Spread the Word!

Tell President Obama to support the establishment of a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding!


Please help us spread the word by printing either small business card sized flyers urging action or postcards tot eh President.  Both can be printed at a local copy shop.  Hand them out to friends, at work, table at a local festival or farmers market (see more below on tabling), or to anyone you think might be interested and take action!

Use yellow or Blue card stock at 60 lbs. weight. Black and white is recommended for reduced cost, simplicity and noticeability.  Specifically:

  • Business cards Templates – created for Avery 8371, double-sided business cards as both a Word Doc and .pdf; depending on how you are printing these, either may be preferred; if sending to a printer, send both versions for them to choose.
  • Post Card Templates – Again, Word Doc and .pdf versions for printing.

Timeline and Resource Overview/Guide

If you’d like to get even more involved, please consider some or all of the following.

Suggested Timeline

– Please complete one or all of the following to maximize the effectiveness of this action!


National – First national eblast goes out to The Peace Alliance grassroots and other organizations announcing the coming July action, including this packet and on-line letter-writing, Facebook and Twitter actions.


  • Clear your schedule as much as you can to take action every day or as many days as possible in this campaign!
  • If you will be tabling or otherwise disseminating paper materials – send business card and/or post card to printer.  You can email the documents to your local office supply.  Note:  business cards may take up to 10 days to print (although 3-5 days is more common).
  • Enlist the help/support of others in your area and have fun with passing out cards and talking up a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding.
  • Call local organizations that have within their missions preventing violence or promoting peacebuilding and ask them to share our action email  or ask if anyone would like to table or create an event with you between 7/1 – 11/13.

On-Line – start using social media and gathering local organization contact information to spread the word about the action.


See Tabling Guidelines, attached, and identify one or more places you can “table” in your community to distribute business cards or post cards supporting the on-line action – or even have a laptop or tablet at the table for people to use on-site.  Note – you may need to obtain advance approval to table in places in or near businesses or government offices.  Remember to use nonviolent communication to ensure everyone’s concerns are addressed in the process and maximize your chances of successful negotiations.

7/01/13 – 7/4/13

Individual/Local – Share and tweet Facebook and Twitter posts.  Attend 4th of July or other events and spread the word with business or post cards you had printed.


National/Individual/Local – Third national eblast update with the number of actions taken will be distributed –  Share and tweet Facebook and Twitter posts and encourage your contacts and friends to help us double our impact by 7/11.


Continue to contact friends, colleagues, neighbors, organizations, local media, etc., to increase the impact of this action.

Tabling for the Campaign to Establish a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding

Suggested Guidelines

(1) have a large DoP banner either on the front of the table or hanging in the back (if possible);

(2) have large maps of the state’s congressional districts, which includes the cities, for people to review to find out what district they live in;

(3) have sign-up sheets for the mailing list; copies should go to the district leader (or SPA chapter), and the state coordinator (the state coordinator sends on to the national campaign or national SPA campaign), preferably keyed into an Excel spreadsheet with emails tested in an acknowledgement email and any bouncebacks phoned for corrections.

(4) Any political resource guide to help people become politically active.  For example, the Michigan 11th Congressional District has developed one for the entire state, which outlines both state and federal districts, with all the contact info for politicians, their staff, committee information, networking contacts and of course a forward and information promoting the Dept of Peace.

(5) DoP informational cards, flyers, copies of the bill, buttons and bumper stickers (for a suggested donation) and a donation jar available for those who want to support your local effort.  Also it is good to have donation forms for donation to national and any other materials available, including Statistics on Violence and Overview of the legislation.

(6) Postcards to mail to Senators, Congressmen and/or the President (for July 2013 Action, cards are pre-addressed to President Obama).  It’s good to have preprinted labels with addresses for Representative and Senator for placing on the postcards to help expedite things at the table.  We offer to send the postcards, and put the postage on the cards, and most people throw donated $ in to help defray the costs of postage.  It is very important to make sure people put their name and return address LEGIBLY on the postcard or it will likely be discarded upon receipt.

(7) When speaking to folks about the bill, I try to find the balance between advocating for the bill and hearing the other’s views and concerns in order to have a meaningful discussion.  Always looking for the point of agreement and working from there.  Sometimes you have to agree to disagree…that’s okay…it’s still good that a discussion was initiated and the idea introduced.  In other words, go for the connection, rather than convincing.  Generally, a guideline in responding to someone who voices an objection to one portion or aspect of the legislation is to acknowledge that they made a good point, that others have expressed that concern as well and then go into why you believe supporting the legislation or that aspect of the bill is still a good idea—prepare with FAQs and Key Highlights on the website—OR simply say you haven’t heard that concern personally before and you will speak with a more experienced member of the campaign to learn more (and offer to follow up or have someone else call them on the issue).

(8) I have found that most people are very grateful that we take the time and energy to show up at events to have this conversation.  You can table at many events.  Examples of where we have shown up in Michigan:  Jazz Fest, Blues Fest, MLK events, political events, Gay Pride events, Interfaith events, peace group events, Ann Arbor Art Fair, grocery stores, malls, street corners, wherever people are gathered or pass by …..

(9) At school and college campuses – include the Student Peace Alliance flyer.

–Supplied by Linda Henderson in 2006, with additional notes and updates by Karen Johnson




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