Coming soon…

Register Here Soon!At a glance sketch of the course week­by­week…

Tell Congress to Fix the Sentencing Reform Act!

We're asking you to tell Congress to amend H.R. 3713 so that it doesn't create new mandatory drug penalties, expand existing mandatory minimums associated with the "War on Drugs" to whole new classes of people who aren't currently allowed to be charged with those penalties, prevent certain offenders from benefiting from the bill's sentence reductions, or prevent those already sentenced under the former 100:1 crack-to-powder sentencing disparity from even being able to apply to the court to seek relief.

Breaking News: Part of Youth PROMISE Act Passes!

We have an exciting celebration to share. Thanks to all your hard work, Congress passed some meaningful provisions of the Youth PROMISE Act as part of the final version of the Every Student Succeeds Act, S. 1177, creating school based PROMISE plans. It is likely to be signed by the President soon.

Ending Genocide & Mass Atrocities: December Monthly Peace Action Call

You are invited to join us December 8th, at 9pm eastern, 8pm central, 7pm mountain, 6pm pacific (and 5pm Alaskan), for our December Action Call!! We will be joined by special guest Jessica Moses, staff member on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Global Terrorism Index Release; Insights on Paris & Other Global Attacks

This week marked the release of the 2015 Global Terrorism Index by the Institute for Economics and Peace. After a tragic few weeks of global terror attacks in Paris, Mali, Beirut, Baghdad and in many other places, it may be unsurprising that terrorism is reported to be on the rise. Our hearts of course break for all the victims of this senseless violence. We will re-double our commitment to the work of peacebuilding.

National Monthly Peace Action Call: Reclaiming Our Democracy

On our November Monthly Action Call, we will be joined by that champion of citizen empowerment, Sam Daley-Harris. This call will be on Saturday, November 14th at 1:00 pm ET, 10:00 am PT. All are welcome to call-in and participate.