Maya Angelou 1928 – 2014: Remembering a Champion for Peace and Justice

We are sad to learn of Maya Angelou's recent passing. As her family posted in a statement: "She lived a life as a teacher, activist, artist and human being. She was a warrior for equality, tolerance and peace." Indeed she was, and her many profound words of wisdom and life's actions will continue to teach us. Read a profound poem on peace she read at the United Nation's 50th anniversary in 1995.

10th Annual Mother’s Day Campaign: Peace Deserves a Piece of the Pie

Every year, peace supporters across the nation take pies to their local Congressional offices with a message that "peace deserves a piece of the pie." We are talking of course about peace and the work of peacebuilding being made a budget and policy priority. It's always a fun and connecting activity, and we've found it to be very effective. Join us!

CA Democratic Party Adopts Wide-Ranging Peacebuilding Platform

The California Democratic Party (CDP) adopted language by the California Peace Alliance calling for promotion of national institutions “based on the organizing principles of violence prevention and nonviolent conflict resolution, utilizing and developing a network of ‘best practice’ peacebuilding policies and programs, both within UN member states, and externally among nations.”

Peace Alliance 10th Anniversary!

March 31st marks a very special moment for The Peace Alliance. It was ten years ago, in 2004, that we were legally incorporated. We look back with great pride on a our remarkable journey, and look forward enthusiastically to our continued actions and the expansion of peacebuilding in our nation and world.