The Surrender Experiement by Michael A. Singer

In THE SURRENDER EXPERIMENT: My Journey into Life’s Perfection, Singer tells his extraordinary story of what happened when after a deep spiritual awakening in his twenties, he decided to no longer let his personal fears and desires dictate his life but to simply surrender to what life had in store. This radical decision to follow life’s flow led Singer to both the pinnacle of success and the brink of disaster.

History of Mother’s Day as a Day of Peace: Julia Ward Howe

In the 1800's, Julia Ward Howe, original advocate for “Mother’s Day” and writer of the “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” nursed and tended the wounded during the civil war. She worked with the widows and orphans of soldiers on both sides of the war, and realized that the effects of the war go beyond the killing of soldiers in battle.

Be the Movement! National Conference in DC

Join us this October 16- 20. This is our moment to come together in our Nation’s Capitol to ‘Be the Movement!’ that can fundamentally change the course of our nation and world. Join with like-minded allies from around the nation as we dialogue with, and learn from, some of the world’s most inspiring leaders and experts. We’ll explore practical, yet transformative, actions we can collectively take to change the trajectory of our nation. And, we will make our voices heard to our Members of Congress.

Be the Movement! Photos

Join the chorus of people around the nation and world who are showing their support for Be the Movement and our Peacebuilding Cornerstones by sharing a photo of yourself and/or friends holding a sign with your favorite cornerstone(s) - as many as you want.

Peace Deserves a Piece of the Pie 2015

Every year, peace supporters across the nation take pies to their local Congressional offices with a message that "peace deserves a piece of the pie." We are talking of course about peace and the work of peacebuilding being made a budget and policy priority. It's always a fun and connecting activity, and we've found it to be very effective.

Be the Movement! Take a Step for Peace – Launch

In your life, in our communities and among nations. At Peace Alliance, we are working to build a millions strong movement around 5 key peacebuilding cornerstones. Join us!