Entries by Matthew

Thank you for taking action!

Thanks for making this call to your Member(s) of Congress!  Your efforts should make a difference. 

Teaching Peace in Schools Virtual Summit Feb. 1 & 3

This free virtual telesummit features inspiring wisdom and leadership from the field of Restorative Justice and Social & Emotional Learning in schools. It will explore bringing these critical skills into school communities. Join us! As new generations of youth learn these essential building blocks of a lasting peace, it could change our world!

PETITION: Tell your Senator to demand that Sen. Mitch McConnell bring the Sentencing Reform and CORRECTIONS Act to the floor!

The Sentencing Reform and CORRECTIONS Act, S. 2123, is a strongly bipartisan piece of legislation that passed out of the Judiciary Committee with an overwhelming 15-5 vote. But Mitch McConnell has not yet brought it to a vote on the Senate floor. The only way he will bring it to a vote is if he hears other Senators demanding it, and those Senators will only tell him to bring it to a vote if their constituents- that’s you- express to them how important the Sentencing Reform and CORRECTIONS Act is to you.

Coming soon…

Register Here Soon! At a glance sketch of the course week­by­week (all course sessions held at 5pm PST to 6:30pm […]