DoP Accomplishments in 2017

Nevertheless, the DoP Campaign Works On in 2017

 If violence and war are failures of the imagination, then nonviolence and peacebuilding are triumphs of the imagination.  – Embellishment of Quote from Unknown

Peacebuilding is to make real our vision for peace.  Despite a national climate of divisiveness, doubt and fear, the Department of Peacebuilding (DoP) Campaign continued in 2017 to work for a DoP and a culture of compassion, inclusion, respect and peace.

 In 2017, the DoP Campaign worked with Rep. Barbara Lee’s (CA) office to update the 2017 DoP legislation (HR 1111), made hundreds of contacts and visited numerous members of Congress seeking DoP cosponsors, initiated actions throughout the year to promote the legislation, connected with other groups, supported other peace-related legislation and initiatives, secured more organizational endorsers, advanced city-related peacebuilding initiatives, and authored articles about DoP and related topics such as Restorative Practices.

A sample of DoP 2017 actions and accomplishments includes:

  • Visited 128+ members of Congress and Senators during DC Advocacy Days in October where we urged members of Congress to cosponsor DoP legislation and legislation to restrict the first use of nuclear weapons (HR 669/ S 200), the Ellie Wiesel Genocide and Atrocities Prevention Act (HR 3030/ S 1158) and bail reform bills (HR 1437/ S 1593). After our visits, there were 53 new cosponsors collectively for these bills.
  • Submitted a “United Nations Solutions Proposal” to Establish Governmental Infrastructures (Departments & Ministries of Peace) to Support the Sustainable Development Goals and the Culture of Peace – Make Nonviolence a Global Priority.
  • Secured CA Democratic Party (CDP) endorsement of DoP legislation and adoption of our “Resolution to Budget for Peacebuilding for People and the Climate,” and we submitted peacebuilding-related language for inclusion in the CDP 2018 Platform.

To learn about other national and regional accomplishments, see “Nevertheless, Dept. of Peacebuilding Campaign Works On: 2017 Yearend Report” at

This Holiday season, our goal is to expand our #PeacePartners by 200 and more, thus expanding our nation’s values of democracy, unity, and peace. Won’t you join us? A monthly contribution – whether $40, $15, $5 — no matter the amount, makes a dynamic, ongoing and sustainable difference. A one-time gift is also welcome! We honor your commitment to being part of the Solution! JOIN US!

Stay woke. Get active. Build peace.

Nancy Merritt,

Peace Alliance/Department of Peacebuilding Lead

On Behalf of the Department of Peacebuilding Campaign