6th Summit of the Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace

2013 USA Report

Special Summit
Report Call

hosted by
California Peace Alliance

October 14, 2013
6pm Pacific / 9:00 Eastern

Guest Speakers
Mike Abkin, Anne Creter, Kristin Famula
& Dot Maver

U.S. Representatives to the GAMIP Summit in Geneva

Call-in Number 862-902-0250
Access Code 3698002#

The Global Alliance for Ministries and Infrastructures for Peace (GAMIP) held its 6th summit in Geneva, Switzerland, from September 16-20 with 167 participants representing 55 countries.

GAMIP is a worldwide community of civil society campaigns, organizations, committed citizens, and elected and appointed government officials from over 40 countries. The mission of GAMIP is to collaborate with and support governments and civil society around the world working to establish national ministries and departments of peace, and also to support efforts to develop local, regional, and national peace councils, peace academies, and other effective infrastructures for peace.

Each summit has been represented by several members from organizations in the United States. This year, The Peace Alliance, the National Peace Academy, and the River Phoenix Center for Peacebuilding collaborated and offered a joint presentation entitled, “The U.S. Story:  Integrated Peacebuilding – local to global.”

This unique summit provided the space to increase awareness and understanding about infrastructures for peace and their essential role in sustainable strategies of peace promotion, providing practical tools for the development of infrastructures for peace, giving visibility to current infrastructures for peace, as well as peace infrastructure campaigns and projects around the world, and strengthening the engagement of the international community working on infrastructures for peace.

We were proud to be a part of this wonderful group of people around the world working to create peace in this way.

Read the full report and highlighted outcomes (.pdf) here.

You can also watch video of the USA report and the whole summit.



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