Save The Date! Nov. 2nd in Longmont, CO

Join Us Nov. 2nd!

Youth Rising: The Cutting Edge in Practical Peacebuilding

Information, Inspiration, Tools, and Empowerment  — To Build Peace Now!!

An event hosted by The Peace Alliance in partnership with Front Range Community College, Beverly Title, Ph.d of Resolutionaries, Inc. and sitting member of the State RJ Council, and Representative Pete Lee. Celebrating our Youth and local and national efforts responding to key issues affecting them and a chance to get informed, get inspired, and get involved! Keynotes and Presentations/Interactives with Rep. Lee, Peace Alliance President Bob Baskin, Beverly Title and others!

SATURDAY, NOV. 2nd 1pm-5:30pm (Doors at 12:30pm)


Schedule (PDF)

at Front Range Community College, 2190 Miller Dr, Longmont, CO (Map to Campus)

Join Us Nov. 2nd!

Thanks to our Venue Host and Partner, Front Range Community College of Longmont, CO!

FREE EVENT (With Fundraising Ask at close)
Doors Open: 12:30pm
Event Starts: 1pm
Event Closes: 5:30pm
Complimentary snacks/ hors d’eouvres and beverages will be served.

There is a new wave of Youth Peacebuilding and Restorative Justice opportunities rising across Colorado and includes a compelling Peace Alliance Action Team mobilization both locally and nationwide.   Join us Nov. 2nd as we celebrate our youth and engage around local and national efforts responding to key issues affecting them.

Get Informed. Get Inspired. Get Involved.

Keynotes and Presentations/Interactives with Rep. Pete Lee, Co-Sponsor of the recently enacted law “The Restorative Justice Pilot Project”, Peace Alliance President Bob Baskin, Beverly Title (Ph.d of Resolutionaries, Inc. and a sitting member of the State RJ Council) plus a Collaborative Action Session with National Field Director Dan Kahn and State Coordinator Barbara Rivera. Emcee for the event is Molly Rowan Leach, Host & Producer of Restorative Justice on The Rise.

We will explore the passage of an exciting new Restorative Justice (RJ) Pilot Project into Colorado law, power up around how to mobilize together around it, and hear from some of the state’s most respected and committed RJ leaders, Rep. Pete Lee and Dr. Beverly Title.  We’ll also get a sweeping national peacebuilding report from Peace Alliance President, Bob Baskin and Field Director Dan Kahn, on some encouraging developments in the peacebuilding world, including powerful advocacy opportunities for like legislation the Youth PROMISE Act and the U.S. Department of Peacebuilding.

Thanks to our Venue Host and Partner, Front Range Community College of Longmont, CO!

Restorative Justice on the Rise:

Have you heard the jaw dropping news? Colorado’s Longmont Restorative Justice programs partnering the Police Department and Longmont Community Justice Project are showing profound statistics:

  • A 10% Recidivism rate in youth and juvenile justice (that’s compared to a much higher national average of 65-75%!)
  • A 96% satisfaction rate for all stakeholders (meaning both victims and offenders as well as community members)
  • Cost-savings that point to countless hours and time saved in court and law enforcement processes and a straightforward answer to the problems the current system faces.  Incarceration can cost from $50K to $200K per year.

Not only that, Colorado has just passed into law The Restorative Justice Pilot Project in four counties. What does that mean for you as a Coloradan?

  • As D.A. Stanley Garnett says, “saved time, taxpayer money” and a concrete answer to some of the most stifling juvenile justice issues.
  • That our state is responding to harsh zero tolerance policies (aka the “school to prison pipeline”) with tried-and-true programming showing astonishing results.


The Peace Alliance is engaging Colorado groups furthering advocacy and education surrounding RJ and other key peacebuilding issues. We are mobilizing and collaborating with excited individuals and organizations to empower a whole new movement that leverages our collective power.

Other key peacebuilding issues we will explore are the Youth PROMISE Act (Prison Reduction through Opportunities, Mentoring, Intervention, Support, and Education) is bipartisan legislation that will give our communities the support and funding they need to effectively address youth violence issues.  By specifically focusing on violence prevention and intervention strategies, this bill ensures we are funding programs that save lives and give every young person the opportunity to meet his or her potential.  We will also share about other national and global peacebuilding policy priorities, including the establishment of a U.S. Department of Peacebuilding.


Event Purpose:

  • Celebrating the Youth Promise Act, The Restorative Pilot Project, and Youth and Professionals supporting Youth in the Peacebuilding Movement, and increasing the effectiveness of grassroots advocacy through Local Action Teams and Networks.
  • Taking action and receiving skills, practices and networking in RJ processes/setups in Schools and beyond
  • Gaining passage for the Youth Promise Act
  • Increasing the effectiveness of grassroots advocacy through Local Action Teams and Networks.
  • Restorative Justice advocacy and mobilization efforts that are continuing in Colorado (Partnerships with organizations and individuals working towards changes in systems and legislation, direct action emails and virtual telecast forums for educating, connection, and inspiring action, and more) and beyond in MA, CA, FL and other states.
  • Raise Funds for The Peace Alliance to support state grassroots advocacy networks and actions focal to State RJ efforts and beyond.


Getting There:

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