Teaching Peace in Schools Virtual Summit Feb. 1 & 3

Teach-Peace-logo-wide-vs4-logos-600Feb. 1st at 12:00 pm Pacific / 3:00 Eastern & Feb. 3rd at 5:00 pm Pacific / 8:00 Eastern
(approx. 1.5 hours each) Find your local time zone

Featuring: Congressman Tim Ryan, Dominic Barter, Camishah Fatimah Gentry and more to be announced

This free virtual telesummit features inspiring wisdom and leadership from the field of Restorative Justice and Social & Emotional Learning in schools. It will explore bringing these critical skills into school communities.

Parent? Teacher? School Administrator?

Passionate Community Member Who Wants to See
Peace Skills Embedded in Our Culture?

> This Free Summit is for You! <

YES! Register me to participate live or receive the recording

Join this free summit, via phone or webcast, to learn practical examples and methods that can be brought into our schools to improve our children’s lives, setting them up for success not just academically, but also relationally and emotionally.

We will also explore what we can do collectively, and you can do specifically, to bring peace into our schools. Whether you are in the United States or anywhere on the globe, there will be valuable information for you. Sign up for this free two-day summit!

Why is this important? Schools are our main social vehicle for learning. While the primary focus of teaching in schools is predominantly on academic skills — social, emotional and relational skills are equally important, and deserve FAR greater emphasis than they currently receive. We face conflict and sometimes violence at almost every stage and in every area of our lives. In fact, conflict that is not dealt with effectively can be one of the biggest detriments to success both in school and beyond.

photoAs a baseline for lasting success, focal areas in this summit include: 

  • Restorative Justice & Circle Practices
  • Mindfulness Practices in Schools
  • Social & Emotional Learning Skills and
  • Nonviolent Communication.

There are schools across the nation and world that find by implementing one or more of these practices, the climate of the school begins to significantly shift:

  • Conflict and violence drop substantially
  • Emotional well-being rises
  • Bullying is reduced
  • Truancy goes down and
  • Grade point averages rise.

Example: In a West Philadelphia High School, within two years of implementing a Restorative Discipline program, incidents of assault and disorderly conduct dropped more than 65%. This is just the tip of the iceburg of what we are seeing with these kinds of programs and methodologies. Teaching Social and Emotional Learning skills in schools is an exciting and powerful new field.

Join us! As new generations of youth learn these essential building blocks of a lasting peace, it could change our world!

Note: A 10-week virtual in-depth course will follow this free summit, led by a faculty of pioneers in this field. (Click here to learn more about the course).


