Support Fair and Healing Justice for our Youth

This week, Congress is in full negotiations regarding re-authorization of the Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention Act (JJDPA).

PetitionThe JJDPA is the core of nearly everything the federal government does in Juvenile Justice, but it’s past due for re-authorization.

Youth who are locked up are separated from their families, and many witness or experience violence. These youth struggle when they get out, trying to complete high school, get jobs, housing, or go to college. The Act requires states to keep youth separated from adults prior to trial as well as in prison, invests in alternatives to incarceration, and provides youth support necessary for successful rehabilitation and re-entry into their communities — among many other important functions.

A bipartisan group of Senators, led by Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) are now trying to renew and strengthen it. This is a great bill, and it needs your help today.

Petition: Sign today to e-mail your Members of Congress urging support of JJDPA>>

Support for JJDPA is an important part of Humanizing Justice Systems for our youth. It is far past time we move away from retributive justice and towards a healing oriented justice. This moves us along that direction. It should open the way for further reforms and for support of measures like the Youth PROMISE Act. 

Your voice will help make important changes.

In Solidarity,

Jeff Photo

Jeff Pudlo,
Legislative Director