BluePrint for Peace Endorsements
Below is a list of endorsers for the BluePrint for Peace.
If you are an individual who cares about the values written in this initiative, represent an organization and have the authority to endorse, are a notable public figure, or if you are a federal, state or local U.S. elected official (or authorized representative), you can endorse here.
NATIONAL/INTERNATIONAL ORGANIZATIONS FCNL (Friends Committee on National Legislation)
INDIVIDUALS Marianne Williamson, Frmr. Presidential Candidate
ELECTED OFFICIALS FEDERAL: Rep. Tim Ryan, Ohio, District 13 STATE: Rep. Tina Wildberger, Hawaii, District 11 LOCAL: David Barlavi, Trustee, local school board, Saugus, CA INTERNATIONAL: María Araceli Garcia Carrazco, Centro Roerich México, Representante legal, Directora General, Embajada Universal de Paz. |