Hope Story Circle

9am PT/ 11am CT/ 12pm ET and all times in between
The Peace Alliance invites you to Hope Story Circles, an online community peacebuilding hour in which we will hold space for listening, speaking, and uplifting each other. We acknowledge that each of us is experiencing emerging stories that we invite you to explore, and to share. 
This is an intergenerational space — we welcome people of all ages.

Click here for a time zone converter, and convert from New York at 12:00pm to your time zone.

We are limited to 100 people to join us; if you find that the room is full, please email at [email protected] to let us know so that we can try to adjust next time.

The connection will be on Zoom — please join us online or by phone as follows:

Join Zoom Meeting

Click Here to join the zoom

Meeting ID: 818 5963 6790
Passcode: 254630
One tap mobile
+16699006833,,81859636790# US (San Jose)
+12532158782,,81859636790# US (Tacoma)


Jan 14 2023


Pacific Time
9:00 am - 10:00 am


Terry Mason
[email protected]

Other Organizers

Jelena Popovich
[email protected]