Empathy Circles for Peacebuilders

1pm Pacific Time / 4pm Eastern Time and all times in between and beyond.

This is a 1 hour and 30 min call.

The Zoom room will be closed to admittance 15 minutes after the start, so please be prompt.

Join us for 90 minutes of listening and empathy to heal the soul, facilitated by a trained facilitator from within The Peace Alliance family on the 3rd Saturday of the month. Empathy Circles was developed by Lou Zweier who has studied NVC along with Edwin Rutch and Bill Filler.

All are welcome – please join us!

Click here to join the zoom!

Or call in by phone to join the conversation. The call will be closed to admittance 15 minutes after the start, so please be prompt.

Meeting ID: 896 4761 6786
Passcode: 888341
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Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcfx4RBpJu

Click here for our past Peace On Podcasts.


Jan 21 2023


Pacific Time
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm


Kathy Kidd
[email protected]