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At a glance sketch of the course week­by­week (all course sessions held at 5pm PST to 6:30pm PST and will feature interactives with session guides):

  • Weds.February10th5pm­6:30pmPSTSessionOne:A Circle Forward: How to build a restorative school community with Kay Pranis & Carolyn Boyes­Watson

  • Weds.February17th:SessionTwo:C irclingtheSquarewith Nancy Riestenberg and Rita Alfred

  • Weds.February24th:SessionThree:A RestorativeSystemand Lens in the Favelas and Beyond: The journey to build a restorative school in Rio and the power of nonviolent communication with Dominic Barter

  • Weds. March 2nd: Session Four: M ara Schiff: Orange County as model for rest of country

  • Weds.March9th:5­6:30pmPSTSessionFive:TBA

  • Thurs.March17th:SessionSix:MindfulnessinSchoolswith(TBA)

  • Thurs.March24th:SessionSeven:W orkingwithmultiracialand

    diverse communities to support nonviolence, understanding and peace in school and community with Fania Davis

● Thurs.March31st:SessionEight:TransformingWhatSeems Impossible: L auren Abramson and How Baltimore is Becoming a Wayshower of Peace and Restorative Community.

● Thurs.April7th:SessionNine:TBA

We know that our youth seed the future, and yet so many schools are struggling with overburdened and underappreciated teachers and staff. But in fact, there are schools across the nation and world finding that by implementing, for example, a short circle process and starting slowly to re­frame their agreements and slightly tweak their schedules, a surprising thing is occurring, the climate of the school begins to shift: conflict and violence drop substantially, bullying is reduced, truancy goes down and grade point averages rise.. In a West Philadelphia High School, within two years of implementing a Restorative Discipline program, incidents of assault and disorderly conduct dropped more than 65%.

In our research over the past three years spearheaded by our Restorative Justice Fellow Molly Rowan Leach, and with the help of hundreds of practitioners whose voices lent experience and insights into the current massive struggles and challenges schools are facing, we’ve identified some of the top methods being used on the ground to turn around our education system.

Following the free two­night intro summit on Feb. 1 & 3, we are launching a course that will run 9 weeks and will feature a lead teacher/guide from a global base of wisdom, including Fania Davis, Dominic Barter, Kay Pranis, and many others. Focal areas include Cultivating Restorative School Communities, Mindfulness in Schools, How Restorative Justice Practices lessen recurring behavior challenges, Social & Emotional Learning Applied in Schools, and Nonviolent Communication as a baseline for lasting success. Each week participants will gain insights into how they can build upon or begin their own restorative communities within schools and beyond. This content is applicable world­wide, not just in the U.S. This course is modeled to provide viable tools for all of us, regardless of whether we have children in schools, because it is a way of living and interacting, of hearing and not just listening, of allowing understanding and walking towards conflict instead of running from it.

You are welcomed with great enthusiasm into the fold of this exciting offering by becoming an Event Affiliate Partner with The Peace Alliance. By taking just a few minutes to sign up you will receive 20% of the tuition rate w hen anyone signs up for the course through you. We love collaborating and we love it when our partners receive a check each month in thanks for their eblasts and cross promotion.