Celebrating our 10th Anniversary in 2014!

10-yr-2_cropWorking Together, Empowering a Peacebuilding Movement

Dear friends of The Peace Alliance,

2014 marks our 10th anniversary year (March 31st).  We are excited and humbled to have gotten this far.  It was in partnership with so many of you that we achieved this milestone.

And we’ve done a lot of good over this past decade, so much to be proud of! We are planning for this to be a landmark year for peace, and we will be doing a lot of fun activities to celebrate as we go.

Help us make it our most impactful year yet by making a donation.

With your support, we will grow and expand this peacebuidling movement to levels that match the great needs of our nation and world. We are committed to empowering communities, a nation, and a world that honors peacebuilding as one of our top priorities.

We are grateful for your continued support and involvement in this mission to create a positive, proactive peace movement.  This is a movement whose time has come!

In peace and solidarity,
Bob Baskin, Matthew Albracht
and all of us at The Peace Alliance


Activists Lily Marie, Nancy Merritt, Jeriln Stapleton @ TPA booth
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